The erroneous message of modern evangelism (that Jesus gives peace and happiness) has another rival. This time it’s a big one. Tom Cruise said of Scientology, “We are the authorities on getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind. We are the authorities on improving conditions. We can rehabilitate criminals, [the] way to happiness. We can bring peace.” The promise is that if you get on board, you can have your best life right now, by being part of their “religion,” a religion that ironically has nothing to do with God.
Does Scientology deliver happiness and peace? Those who believe that Jesus came to give us happiness will be quick to say (as I did for years) that the world can’t give true happiness. Even though I preached that, in reality, I was going through trials, temptations, and persecutions that I never experienced as a happy peace-filled non-Christian. There was a time that I found myself in such a deep ‘wilderness” experience, I was in absolute despair.
The truth is that Jesus didn’t come to give happiness, he came to give us righteousness. The difference between the two, is life and death.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tom’s Cruise
Posted by
Ray Comfort
1/26/2008 02:30:00 PM
Tom’s Cruise
Ray Comfort