"You don't believe something made everything, do you? After all, God is everything, and God is eternal. Therefore, everything is eternal and was never made. Right? Maybe I'm wrong." Kaitlyn
There were a number of responses to the impossibility of the common atheistic belief that nothing made everything. They haven’t argued the point, but rather defaulted to the belief that the universal is eternal. But that won’t work. It’s a scientific impossibility. The Law of Thermodynamics proves that the universe cannot be eternal. Everything material runs down in time (even the sun will wear out). Leave a rock for a billion years and it will crumble to dust.
If the universe was eternal, it would be a trillion billion (plus infinite time) years old, and would have turned to dust a thousand billion trillion years ago. Only that which is non-material, dwelling outside the dimension of time, can be eternal. God qualifies for both. He is Spirit (non-material), and He dwells outside of time.
If you consider yourself to be intellectually honest, follow where knowledge takes you. That’s what the famous atheist Anthony Flew did. Once you acknowledge that God exists, you then have to make your mind up as to whether or not you are morally responsible to Him. If you believe that there is no Hell, you will live your life accordingly. If you believe Hell exists and that there will be divine retribution (ultimate justice), then you need a Savior to wash your sins away before the Day of Judgment. God provided one. Read the Gospel of John to see the details.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Eternal Everything?
Posted by
Ray Comfort
1/22/2009 08:00:00 AM
Eternal Everything?
Ray Comfort