"There probably isn’t a God. I’d never be stupid enough to commit myself 100% to the statement that 'THERE DEFIANTLY IS NO GOD!' because I don’t know it for a fact. It’s summer here in the UK, so I can look out my window and say, for a fact "the sky definitely is blue." You could say that to a color blind person that the sky isn’t blue, but you’d be wrong because the color blind person has a vision deficiency causing them to see incorrectly." Andy Duchemin
I appreciate the fact that you have illustrated my point. As an atheist, you can’t be sure of anything in this life. You can’t be sure if God doesn’t exist. You can’t be sure of evolution. You can’t be sure of what is right and what is wrong. But you are sure that the sky is blue. However, it’s not. It has no color at all. It’s an illusion. The only thing you can be sure of is your death.
On the other hand, those who know God (as apposed to those who simply "believe" in His existence) can be sure of many things. This is because God is never wrong. Ever. He is absolutely trustworthy in that which He says. We can therefore know absolutely about our origins, and we can know absolutely what is right and what is wrong. There is no "probably" when it comes to His immutable promises. Rather than let this fact upset you, see it instead as unspeakably good news for those who are tossed back and forth on the sea of speculation. It means that you can have a solid foundation for this life, and absolute hope (know that you have everlasting life) in the next.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
"The Sky is Definitely Blue."
Posted by
Ray Comfort
7/22/2009 08:06:00 AM
"The Sky is Definitely Blue."
Ray Comfort