I wonder what you would think of the mentality of someone who said "Some time ago I emailed the White House and told the President that he needed to be at my house last Friday, with a gift for me. He didn’t show up, so I believe that he doesn’t exist." I’m sure you would think that your friend was either naive or mentally challenged.
If you have ever prayed for something and felt that your prayer didn't get past the ceiling, you are probably right. Just as there is a certain procedure that you must go through to have an audience with the President, so there is certain procedure that you must go through to have an audience with God.
Here’s some information that may help you. The first thing to understand is that we are enemies of God, and that His wrath abides on us (see John 3:36). We are rebels. So the odds of getting an audience are stacked against us. The Bible tells us that our sins have made a separation between us and God, so that He will not hear us (see Isaiah 59:1-2). He resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. So stop clicking your fingers and expecting God to come running like some sort of divine butler. It doesn’t work that way (see James 4:3-4). Instead, humble yourself, repent, and trust the Savior--that will give you direct access (see John 14:6).
Then make sure you understand that God always answers prayer. That way you will never be disappointed. Sometimes He says "Yes" and grants our desires. Sometimes He says "No" and doesn’t. Other times He makes us wait so that we learn to exercise faith and patience.
Most people don’t understand that there are two types of the will of God. There’s His permissive will, where He will allow things to happen to the Christian. These may not seem to be beneficial for us, but God promises to work them out for our good, in the light of eternity.
Then there is the perfect will of God. Such revelations are very clear in Scripture. You can go to the bank on them. Actually, I take that back. Banks nowadays aren’t that reliable. Let’s just say that when you see a promise in Scripture that is clearly God’s absolute will (i.e. "... that whoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"), you can rely on it. Completely.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
God Always Answers Prayer
Posted by
Ray Comfort
8/12/2009 06:42:00 AM
God Always Answers Prayer
Ray Comfort