Cont. Question 2.
What does God have that I need?
So here is our problem. We are all going to die. God is not. He is eternal. If I want to live forever, I have to somehow find a bridge to this eternal Creator. This is why so many billions have been interested in religion, down through the ages. This is why I became intensely interested in the subject of God on the night of my conversion. For about 20 years I didn’t give God serious thought for a minute. I was like a man who understandably didn’t have any thought about a particular cure, until he understood that he had the terminal disease that the cure treated. That’s a huge revelation for any human being to have.
Almost all religions have the common knowledge that God requires us to do that which is right, and we have done wrong. Consequently, the core of all the major religions is that they must do something to "justify" themselves. The four year-old tries to justify why he hit his sister—"She hit me first!" His explanation is an attempt to exonerate himself of guilt. He is seeking what is called "justification." And the thought behind those who are religious is--"If I can somehow justify myself by doing things and earn God’s favor, perhaps He will let me live."
Religious deeds are often combined with self-suffering as a means of seeking God’s mercy--"If He is angry at me for my sins, maybe I can pay for them myself in this life." The four year-old admits that he hit his sister, so he punches himself in the chest as a form of punishment. This is the motive for self-mutilation, fasting, self-denial, lying on beds of nails, sitting on hard pews, etc.
However, biblical Christianity teaches that no one can justify himself in the sight of God. There is a good reason for that, which brings us to the next important question.
To be continued...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The seven most important questions you will ever ask
Posted by
Ray Comfort
2/09/2010 06:19:00 AM
The seven most important questions you will ever ask
Ray Comfort