"The Celtic Chimp said... Wow, 'nothing created everything' again. Doesn't matter how many times you correct him, he keeps on telling the lie. Ray Comfort, I charge you with deliberately lying. You apparently believe that to lie like that is immoral and yet you do it in spite of continual correction. You are a liar Ray and I believe you know you are."
Instead of playing the ad hominem card and calling me a liar, tell me what was it that created everything if it wasn't nothing?
Are you also saying that Richard Dawkins doesn't believe that nothing created everything? Here are his own words:
"The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years AFTER THE UNIVERSE EVOLVED OUT OF LITERALLY NOTHING is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice."
There are a few things that the professor and I agree on. One is that we both despise the horrible hypocrisy within organized religion, blame it for mass atrocities down through the ages, as well as rampant pedophilia among its priests. And we both can only think of two alternatives to creation. Either something created everything or nothing is responsible. You have another. Enlighten us. But don't try and redefine the word "nothing." That's ridiculous.
Or are you just trying to create something out of nothing, with unfounded accusations? That would make your words make sense.
No doubt you won’t inform me as to what it was that created the universe, but instead will say that I "quote-mined" Richard Dawkins, so here it is in context:
"If, as returning host, I reflect on this whole pilgrimage, my overwhelming reaction is one of amazement. Amazement at the extravaganza of detail that we have seen; amazement, too, at the very fact that there are any such details to be had at all, on any planet. The universe could so easily have remained lifeless and simple - just physics and chemistry, the scattered dust of the cosmic explosion that gave birth to time and space. The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing, is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice. Even that is not the end of the matter. Not only did evolution happen: it eventually led to beings capable of comprehending the process, and even of comprehending the process by which they comprehend it." The Ancestor's Tale, Richard Dawkins
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Posted by
Ray Comfort
3/25/2010 08:10:00 AM
Ray Comfort