"Psalm 14, for example, is not saying that disbelief in God is folly; it is saying that 'fools' (those who do not live their lives according to the precepts of biblical wisdom literature) are acting as though they don't believe in God, even though all of those in the author's experience would say they did." Steven J.
The Amplified Bible goes back to the original Hebrew and amplifies each word so that we can see its depth of meaning. It translates Psalm 14:1 as "The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God."
The Hebrew word for "fool" is נָבָל. Its transliteration is nabal (pronounced "naw-bawl"). It means "a vile person," someone who is "foolish," "senseless," "stupid," and "wicked."
There isn’t a hint in the verse referring to anyone but those who profess to be atheists—-those who look at this incredible creation (all that is made) and say that they have no belief in a Maker. That is the epitome of empty-headedness, stupidity, senselessness, and in the light of the God-given conscience, wickedness.
Of course, I wouldn't point at someone and say that they are a fool, but I will point out what the Bible is saying to someone who misinterprets Scripture.
However, a man who is truly a fool would never see himself as such. He would rather think that he is wise (see Romans 1:21-22). No doubt you, others (and the folks are "We are smart") will have your own interpretation of those verses also.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Not a Hint in the Word...
Posted by
Ray Comfort
4/26/2010 08:00:00 AM
Not a Hint in the Word...
Ray Comfort