"Hey Ray, they've finally discovered the main difference between scientific and religious thought: Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings."
Let me finish what you are saying: Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings, Christianity flies you to Heaven, and Evolution flies in the face of true science.
Throughout history, tyrants have carried out their political agendas in the name of "religion." Those who lack any sense of perception say that they were Christians. They don't see any difference between those who are sincere in their faith and those who are fake. "Hitler was a Christian," is an atheist's (and evolutionist's) favorite.
Such talk reveals an evident weakness in their character. If they had any perception at all they wouldn't be an atheist and they wouldn’t believe evolution. But they cling for dear life to an unscientific belief because they believe that what they believe about evolution is "scientific," when it is in reality a fantasy behind a veneer of science.
You can see through both religious hypocrisy and the theory of evolution with one simple act. If you will acknowledge your sins, turn from them and put your trust entirely in Jesus Christ, you will come to know God. And when you come to know God, you will know the truth and the truth (reality) will make you free. See John 8:31-32 and John 14:21.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Science and Religious Thought
Posted by
Ray Comfort
4/23/2010 08:06:00 AM
Science and Religious Thought
Ray Comfort