At the beginning of 2009, an atheist named Kat left a comment saying that I was filled with hatred. I asked her if she could possibly find the time to go through each of my blogs and give me some specifics. She said that she would, but I didn’t hear back from her and presumed that she hadn’t found anything. Three months later she wrote that she had been busy and was still looking.
More recently, she left another comment saying "I gave up collecting all of your mean and rude comments to the atheists who post here; all of the mean and hateful things you've posted, because it simply became too much . . . I can't do it anymore Ray, I simply cannot keep going through your archives and finding every instance of your cruelty, it hurts my heart way too much . . . your hatred, your hateful words, your insults and cruelty, cannot be read by me for even one minute longer. This will be my last comment on your blog. I cannot allow myself to be witness to such cruelty any longer."
Unfortunately Kat didn’t provide even one example. If she was speaking the truth and I have been hateful and cruel, please forgive me. I am not aware of any hatred I have for any human being. My motivation is one of love and always has been. I do admit to mocking atheist, because mockery is a legitimate form of debate according to my Rule-book. God Himself mocks evil men who refuse His moral government (see Proverbs 1:26-27). The Bible also calls the professing atheist a "fool" (Psalm 14:1, Psalm 107:17, Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 14:16, Luke 12:20).
So if you do take the time to go through the archives, you will find many incidents of mockery when it comes to the unscientific and ridiculous theory tale of evolution (which I once believed). You will find me speaking of the Bible calling atheists fools, of April 1st being National Atheist Day, etc. Any references I have used to moral corruption, filthiness, wickedness of heart, etc., includes myself and the rest of humanity (see Romans 3:11-18) are from the Scriptures. Any likening of humanity to pigs, foxes, dogs, sheep, etc., are biblical metaphors. But I am not aware of hatred and cruelty.
I think that perhaps Kat is a tender-hearted person who doesn’t have the grit to be able to handle healthy debate. May her tender heart be turned towards her Creator.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Cruelty and hatred
Posted by
Ray Comfort
4/25/2009 06:40:00 PM
Cruelty and hatred
Ray Comfort