"So, a talking snake, a man living in a whale's stomach for three days, a virgin pregnancy and a man walking on water, don't contradict logic?"
So, a talking parrot, three hundred people flying through the sky in a big tin can called a 747, a human being growing inside another person, men walking on the moon, don’t contradict logic? Of course they do, if you are small-minded. However, science and technology have exploded the word. It has a completely different meaning than it had one hundred years ago.
Small-minded people are limited by the confines of what they see as logic. However, when we are born again, the Supernatural takes logic into a new realm. When we discover that the Supernatural is a reality our mind is suddenly expanded and logic explodes.
Animals could easily talk--if the Supernatural is involved. After all, speech is merely thoughts manifesting as sound, and who would deny that animals think? A man could easily live in the stomach of a whale (or "great fish") if it was “prepared” by the God who made it, as the Bible says it was. A virgin could easily become pregnant if the One who made the virgin was involved. And walking on water is a breeze . . . when God is manifest in human form.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Small-minded Logic
Posted by
Ray Comfort
6/05/2008 02:54:00 PM
Small-minded Logic
Ray Comfort