"Hey I just saw your new billboard on the 105 near my house. Thanks for clarifying for me that it is illogical to believe that things don't just come from nothing 'magically.' Seriously, how can milk and honey just exist? Their mere existence proves that God exists since everything has a creator. I have one concern though, based on your logic. Who created God? Did He just magically appear? According to what your arguing, it's silly to believe that. I mean, everything has a creator right? Things don't just magically appear out of thin air. So who created God? Or is your brand of logic only applicable against what you disagree with? Thank you for solidifying my beliefs."
Atheists often plead ignorance when it comes to the Initial Cause--as to what came before the Big Bang. Whatever it was that created the material for it to take place, had to be non-material (therefore free from the law of entropy), as well as dwell outside of the dimension of time (time logically demands that everything has a beginning and an end).
The Spirit of God qualifies for both (see Genesis 1:2). He is spirit (without a material body). He created time and is therefore not subject to it (revealed in the perfectly fulfilled Messianic prophecies).
You are right when you say that nothing "magically appears." God is eternal--without beginning and without end, but He is also perfect in holiness. So whatever you do in this life, make sure you are right with Him because you don't want to collect your due wages (see Romans 6:23).
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
One wage packet you don't want to collect
Posted by
Ray Comfort
2/24/2009 10:01:00 AM
One wage packet you don't want to collect
Ray Comfort