"Hitler himself never mentioned Darwin, rarely mentioned evolution.... When did 'act dumb and dishonest' become the greatest of the commandments, Ray?" Steven J.
"Nobody else but puling pacifists can consider this fact as a sign of human degradation. Such people fail to recognize that this evolution had to take place in order that man might reach that degree of civilization which these apostles now exploit in an attempt to make the world pay attention to their rigmarole." Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
"In our case this term has no meaning. Because everyone who believes in the higher evolution of living organisms must admit that every manifestation of the vital urge and struggle to live must have had a definite beginning in time and that one subject alone must have manifested it for the first time. It was then repeated again and again; and the practice of it spread over a widening area, until finally it passed into the subconscious of every member of the species, where it manifested itself as 'instinct.'" Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
"For it is a necessity of human evolution that the individual should be imbued with the spirit of sacrifice in favour of the common weal, and that he should not be influenced by the morbid notions of those knaves who pretend to know better than Nature and who have the impudence to criticize her decrees." Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
"Organization is a thing that derives its existence from organic life, organic evolution. When the same set of ideas have found lodgment in the minds of a certain number of people they tend of themselves to form a certain degree of order among those people and out of this inner formation something that is very valuable arises. Of course here, as everywhere else, one must take account of those human weaknesses which make men hesitate, especially at the beginning, to submit to the control of a superior mind." Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
"But this principle can become a living reality only by passing through the stages that are necessary for its own evolution. These stages lead from the smallest cell of the State organism upwards. As its bearers and representatives, the leadership principle must have a body of men who have passed through a process of selection lasting over several years, who have been tempered by the hard realities of life and thus rendered capable of carrying the principle into practical effect." Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
Saturday, May 30, 2009
More examples of Hitler and evolution (italics added)
Posted by
Ray Comfort
5/30/2009 02:12:00 AM
More examples of Hitler and evolution (italics added)
Ray Comfort