A skeptic wrote: "But I don't believe that Ray's 'vile worm theology' is the consistent teaching of the Bible, nor is it consistent with a healthy self-image. Here are instances, in fact, where certain people are considered 'blameless': 'This man [Job] was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil' (Job 1:1). 'But I lead a blameless life; redeem me and be merciful to me' (Psalm 26:11). 'Both of them [Zechariah and Elisabeth] were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly' (Luke 1:6). We don't see this universal groveling in the muck over one's imperfection. We can thank the Church for that miserable sentiment."
It's important to understand that when the Bible speaks of someone being "blameless" it doesn’t mean that they are without sin. It simply means (in the Old Testament) that they trusted in God through animal sacrifice, and were therefore released from the condemnation of His Law. It was God's mercy that saved them.
This is also the legal state of the Christian (in the New Testament). He is a wicked sinner like every other human being, but because of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, he is counted as blameless. The Law of God has no demands on him. He is "justified" in the sight of God.
The word translated 'blameless' [Greek amomos] is used a number of times in the New Testament:
"That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:15).
"(God) chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight" (Ephesians 1:4).
"Christ ... gave himself up for (the church) ... to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless" (Ephesians 5:25-27). See also (Revelation 14:5).
This is an incredible truth of the Bible. All who repent and trust alone in Jesus Christ will be found blameless on the day of Judgment. That means that God's Law will not condemn them to Hell.
That's why it doesn't faze me when I am accused of being a liar and a hypocrite by atheists. God's approval is all that matters. If I am a liar and a hypocrite (a pretender) I will end up in Hell, but if I am genuine, I will be found blameless.
Look at this wonderful promise for every Christian: "Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us" (Romans 8:33-34).
Monday, July 6, 2009
Inconsistent Teaching?
Posted by
Ray Comfort
7/06/2009 06:42:00 AM
Inconsistent Teaching?
Ray Comfort