66 And all those who heard them kept them in their hearts, saying, "What kind of child will this be?"And the hand of the Lord was with him.
How wonderful it is to have the hand of the Lord with us, rather than against us. Until we find peace with God through the cross, His hand is certainly against us. His wrath abides on us (see John 3:36) and we are enemies of God in our minds because of our "wicked works." But the moment we come to the Savior, everything changes. We turn from the path of sin and begin a new walk--on the path of righteousness (see Psalm 23). We want to do that which is right and good and just.
Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of having to drive towards to the sun just before it sets? You can’t see anything clearly. Every speck of dirt and slight smudge becomes a glaring obstacle on the windshield. That’s what it is like just before we repent and trust in Jesus Christ. The light of God's Law shines on and exposes every dirty little sin. Like David (when he was caught in his sin), we say "For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me' (Psalm 51:3).
But think of how different it is to drive with the sun behind you in the early morning. Everything looks bright, clean and clear. That is what it is like after we turn away from sin through repentance and faith in Jesus. Everything becomes new and bright. We have a new heart with new desires. We want to run to God not away from Him. No longer is life and death some cosmic mystery. We know the truth and the truth makes us free. Everything becomes clear. We know why we were born, the purpose for our existence, the reason for death, and how to find everlasting life. Not only do we have peace with God, but we have the peace of God. No long are we an enemy of God, but we are His friend. All this can happened because Jesus Christ suffered for the sin of the world and rose from death on the third day, so that the hand of the Lord could be with us.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/09/2009 12:35:00 PM
Ray Comfort