Hover over Romans 1:20-22 for proof of God's existence, and over Matthew 5:27-28 for Judgment Day’s perfect standard. Then hover over John 3:16-18 for what God did, and over Acts 17:30-31 for what to do.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lunch with an Atheist

There are 11 million people in greater Los Angeles, and the entire country has over 300 million. That's a whole lot of people, so I was pleased to do a one-hour interview on a national talk show—because it was broadcast out of Chicago and reached right across the nation.

During the program an atheist called in and we had a great chat. He seemed a nice guy, so I said that if he was ever in our area, I would love to have lunch with him. He wanted a copy of The Defender's Guide for Life’s Toughest Questions and he left his address with the show's host. It was "Ramona Street, Bellflower, California." He lived about three minutes from the ministry. If there weren't buildings in the way, we could see his house from our building.

Let's hope he takes me up on lunch. You can listen to the call at:


(scroll down to April 12th, click on Hour Two).