Are you going through at fiery trial at the moment? Are you in pain, some sort of endless suffering, has your family turned against you? Are you worried about the future? you are a Christian, you will at times go through fiery trials, and they will purify you as gold is purified. But you can take consolation from the Word of God. You can rejoice, not only because you are a partaker of Christ’s sufferings, but because you have the great safety net of Romans 8:28. Even though you may not be able to see how anything good could come of what you are going through, trust that God is allowing this for your good.
Psalm 119 has three interesting verses that speak of the pains of affliction. The first one is where the Psalmist says, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word” (Psalm 119:67, NKJV). There is nothing like affliction to bring us to our knees and closer to God. Trials should drive us into His Word.
To be continued…