"Dear Ray, Why is it so difficult for you to accept the fact of evolution when it has been universally accepted by the scientific community, and 99.99% of people who dedicate their lives to studying it? Why do you refuse to acknowledge that there are many very very serious bible believing Christians who claim to know God but also accept the fact of evolution? Why is it so difficult for you to think that if your God existed, he might be working through science instead of directly violating it? It merely makes the story of Genesis One allegorical, describing man's relationship with Jehovah rather then a literal account of how the world was made. Why, Ray, why, you constantly attack scientific discourse with a bumptious attitude, yet you do not let us know the real reasons for it, why?" Mojo
Let me deal with your questions one by one. First, I strongly contest your 99.99%. You are saying that only .01% who study evolution don't believe it. I think you greatly exaggerate your figures. Still, never forget that there was a time when 100 % of the scientific community thought that the earth was flat. The majority must be right is a fallacy. Only God is right all the time.
Second, no Bible "believing" Christian accepts evolution. Such a thought is an oxymoron. To believe evolution means that the "Christian" doesn't believe the words of Jesus, when He said, "In the beginning God made them male and female" (see Matthew 19:4). To believe that God made mankind through the process of evolution means that you don’t believe Bible.
Here’s a question for you: Why do Darwinian believers insist on hiding behind the cloak of "science," when their theory isn’t scientific in the slightest? It’s nothing more than a pseudo science--a fairy tale for grownups, believed by the gullible, and created by the imaginations of secular speculators.
Here's the bottom line: When anyone comes to know God through the new birth (see John 3:3-5), the issue is dead in the water. I can never convince you that Genesis is the truth, but you can know the truth yourself through repentance and trust in Jesus Christ.
If you are interested, read John 8:31-32.
Friday, June 5, 2009
An oxymoron
Posted by
Ray Comfort
6/05/2009 06:09:00 AM
An oxymoron
Ray Comfort