I noticed that crowds of Muslims waved their arms and wielded machetes, because they were incensed that an English school teacher gave permission for a seven year-old child to name his teddy bear “Mohammed.” It made me think of an atheist friend who has a false name. This is because he fears that Christians may try to kill him because of his atheist convictions. I dropped him a friendly note and said that he shouldn’t have any concerns about Christians. We love him. However, he should be concerned that all over the Internet are video clips of him and his buddies blaspheming God, and saying “I am not afraid.” I said that if Arab TV ever runs a news story about hundreds of Americans who are blaspheming God’s name and saying that they are not afraid, they will broadcast the item in the Arabic language . . . and Arabic for God is “Allah.” That’s a real reason for concern.
Friday, November 30, 2007
A Cause For Concern
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/30/2007 01:10:00 PM
This May be a Joke
<< Thank God for you and your wonderful witnessing team, being true inspirations and teaching us to witness in so many new ways. But I am begging you to stop breaking the law and manufacturing/distributing counterfeit money. You are getting yourself and others in serious trouble. Why do you have such a blind spot with this and are deliberately sending yourself to jail? HAS SATAN SEIZED YOUR MIND WITH THIS AND USING THIS TO DESTROY YOUR MINISTRY?!! I'm begging you to stop this insanity. You are supposed to be an example to all of us; this is an example of flagrantly breaking the law - to what avail? Breaking our hearts, the hearts of your wife, children, grandchildren as you destroy yourself and your ministry? God has given you so many legal ways to witness, why are your deliberately breaking the law? I BEG YOU, please stop. We need you free, it will do no one any good for you to be in jail for the rest of your life. Why would you give Satan such a gift? I'm praying that God will touch your heart while you read this and you will stop breaking the law, you will stop harming innocent others who give out the counterfeit money because they trust/believe in you and will go to jail because of you and I pray you will stop this awful obsession you have to make and distribute counterfeit money. You are on a very high level with God using you now to witness and save so many lost souls. This is sinking to the lowest level and letting Satan have his day with you! I beg you to stop now. Please listen and believe me, this is your archilles heel, as we were taught in school, and every hero has a tragic flaw, this obsession with counterfeit money is your tragic flaw. This obsession of yours to manufacture/distribut counterfeit money when you know it is illegal is equivalent to being hooked on drugs, hooked on prostitution, hooked on anything Satan can use to destroy us. You are hooked on this. Anyone with a brain can clearly see how this will end. Why can't you? You will be prosecuted by the government and go to jail. This is very simple - you are breaking the law. I beg you, stop now. With love and prayers, your sister in Christ.>>
The above may be a joke, but I thought that I had better answer it in case it's not.
There is no such thing as a million dollar bill--so we are not producing counterfeit money. We are therefore not breaking any laws. Thanks for your concern.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/30/2007 07:59:00 AM
Maybe You Could Help Us
Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words about how God has used this ministry to touch your lives. I believe He has given us something that has the potential (under His hand) to spark a world-wide revival. There are still hundreds of thousands of churches and millions of Christians who have never heard of "Hell's Best Kept Secret." So we are going to have our staff point them to it.
Here's how you could help us. Locate and email us the website address of churches, denominations, ministries . . . whoever (there are some sites that have huge lists of churches and their addresses). We will then make one data-base, and divide it up from there for our staff to send out the following:
Please don't click out of this--we're not selling anything. We simply want to freely put something into your hands that we believe will revolutionize you and your congregation. This could be an answer to your prayers . . .
For your interest, our ministry has been commended by John MacArthur, Ravi Zacharius, Franklin Graham, David Wilkerson, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Leonard Ravenhill, Joni Eareckson Tada, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, David Jeremiah, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Missler, Bill Fay and many other Christian leaders. We have written articles for the ministries of Billy Graham and Bill Bright, and many other Christian magazines.
When Pastor Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church recently hosted our Transformed conference in Dallas, Texas 5,500 attended. Over 6,500 attended the 2006 conference at Woodstock Baptist church in Atlanta.
When this teaching was first aired on a major Christian TV network--our website received over one million hits in one day.
It then became an award-winning television program which now airs on 20 networks and is broadcast in 70 countries. It won the 2005 NRB Best Program Award, the 2004, 2005 People’s Choice Awards, and was a finalist in the 2005 Telly Awards. It is also a daily two-hour radio program and is now broadcast on just under 500 stations.
It is truly revolutionary, and it’s all based on a life-changing teaching called “Hell's Best Kept Secret.”
If you think that we are exaggerating about this being life-changing, look at these commendations from church leaders:
“After a thousand revivals and area crusades I have used a lot of soul-winning materials. ‘Hell's Best Kept Secret’ is the greatest single tool I have ever found.” Evangelist Larry Taylor
“This teaching revolutionized the faith of my congregation, and forever changed my own life and ministry.” Pastor Matt Johnson, (GA)
“It will revolutionize the Church.” Pastor Reb Bradley, CA
“The best thing I have ever heard!” Pastor Wayne Welborn, MO
“I began to weep as I saw the importance of this message.” Pastor Ken Armstrong, CA
“Hell's Best Kept Secret has completely destroyed my theology. What was first anger toward you, caused me to search the scripture, and has now turned to a sincere thank-you.” Pastor Jerod McPherson
Hopefully, we have stirred your curiosity. So, please, take a few moments out of your busy schedule that we believe will transform you forever. Thank you for your time.
Click here to discover “Hell’s Best Kept Secret”: http://www.livingwaters.com/learn/hellsbestkeptsecret.htm
If you can help us, please send the information to dgoodall@livingwaters.com
Thank you.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/30/2007 02:07:00 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ready For the Secret Service
The Million Dollar Bill tract not only made the Home Page of Foxnews.com today, but it was also on Yahoo’s Home Page and USA Today. While this is wonderful publicity, I’m wondering if the Secret Service isn’t going to arrest me for being the bill’s creator. So I have a solid defense ready. I will tell the judge that the tract evolved. There was nothing. Then there was a huge bang, and paper formed. Ink then fell onto the paper, and through a series of amazing mutations, a one dollar bill was formed. As millions of years past, it then formed itself into the million dollar bill tract, and that reproduced itself. So, I am guiltless. With today’s court system and with so many people naively believing in the theory-tale of evolution, I would probably get away with it.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/28/2007 04:04:00 PM
Bob's Scientific Evidence
Bleep, bleep. You're a liar and you know you're a liar. You are strong evidence christians are the most immoral people on earth. You should be ashamed of yourself you bleep stupid bleep.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/28/2007 09:35:00 AM
Wow. Free publicity for a tract!
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/28/2007 08:45:00 AM
"Lying For Jesus"
Your suggestion that "Christians stick with what they know" is a good one. I know that evolution is a hoax. I will stick with that. One question for you. What scientific evidence convinced you that evolution is a fact? Be very specific.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/28/2007 08:31:00 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Here We Go Again
Someone tried to bank another one of our Million Dollar Bill tracts. Fortunately, the bank teller was highly trained, and even though the tract was screwed up to disguise it, he thought that the transaction was suspicious and called the police. Here's the item: "AIKEN, SC (WIS) - Authorities say a bank teller in Clearwater had a million reasons not to open an account for an Augusta, Georgia, man. Aiken County Sheriff's spokesman Lieutenant Michael Frank says 31-year-old Alexander D. Smith tried to open an account Monday with a fake $1 million bill. Franks says the employee refused to open the account and called police while the man started to curse at bank workers. Frank says Smith has been charged with disorderly conduct and two counts of forgery. Authorities say the federal government has never printed a million-dollar bill."
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/27/2007 06:28:00 PM
Evolution of a New Book
I am pleased to say that I have just signed a contract with a publisher for a new book called, Evolution--the Fairytale for Grownups--101 questions to shake the blind faith of believers in the theory. “Special Darwin’s 200th Birthday Edition.” We hope to have it published by early 2008.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/27/2007 02:53:00 PM
I’m Pretty Shallow
I was visiting a friend’s church, and just after sitting down I sent him a quick text message to let him know I was there. A few minutes later, during the “meet and greet” time, an elderly lady next to me said, “You shouldn’t be playing games in church. It’s irreverent!” I felt terrible, and politely said, “Oh. It wasn’t a game. I was sending a text mes . . .” She interupted, “That doesn’t matter!” and walked off. Suddenly I had a big problem. Instead of enjoying church, I found myself reacting like a five year-old kid. I wanted to send more text messages, and then poke my tongue out at her as I sent them. When she whispered to her husband during the sermon, I had to stop myself from tapping her on the arm and saying, “Shhhh! That's irreverent.” When she left before the end of the service, I wanted to run after her and tell her how rude she was to leave before the end. Of course, I asked God to forgive me for such thoughts. I have often thought of what I would have done if I was Jesus after He rose from the dead. I would have immediately gone for a visit to the High Priest and the Sanhedrin. I would have knocked on the door and before they opened it, I would have stepped through it and said, “Hey. How are you doing? Remember me? Huh? Huh!” I'm pretty shallow. But Jesus didn't do that (not that we know of). God has a lot of grace, so perhaps some of them were there at Pentecost, repenting for their murderous deed.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/27/2007 02:48:00 PM
Fun Lesson For Kids
We had our family around for Thanksgiving. My daughter was a little nervous because she had plans to give a Bible lesson to the grandchildren, and she wondered if trying to work with very young children would be a disaster. Perhaps she remembered the time I gave our three kids their first communion, during family devotions. The two youngest got into a fight about who had the most grape juice. It was a disaster. Despite her fears, it turned out great. My son-in-law blindfolded each of the kids and spoke to them about being thankful to God for eyesight. He then put a little bit of tape over their mouths and talked about being thankful for the ability to speak. He put their hands behind their backs and had them eat a cookie from a plate on the floor, and talked about how wonderful it is to have hands. It was a lot of fun for the kids, and it was a good reminder to them and to us adults of how much we take for granted.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/27/2007 02:47:00 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Birthdays and Birds
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/26/2007 01:50:00 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Open Air Preaching
One new way we have been getting peoples’ attention is to have someone blow up a latex glove until it’s about two feet in diameter, and twist the end. While the person is blowing up the glove into a large balloon, we ask the gathering crowd to name famous people in the past who have died. People call out “Shakespeare, Napoleon, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe,” etc. Then I say, “The Bible says, ‘For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away’” (James 4:14). When I say "vanish," I stick a pin in the balloon and it goes off with a huge bang. Then I say, “The second you die, no matter who you are, how famous you are, or what you have achieved, it's all going to mean nothing on that day. So please listen carefully to what I’m going to tell you about why we die, and what we can do about it.” It's very visual, gathers a crowd, makes a good point, and goes off with a bang. You can also say that many people believe that they are going to Heaven because they are good, and do good things. Then relate it to a criminal admitting to the judge that he’s guilty of a murderous crime, but saying, “I’m a good person and I do good things.” Then ‘When you stand before God will all your good works, they are going to mean this much (stick the pin in the balloon).” The only way to be saved is to trust in God’s mercy--“Nothing in my hand I bring. Simply to Thy cross I cling.” Or you can use the four fingers and the thumb that stick out of the top of the balloon to go through five of the Commandments.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/25/2007 05:23:00 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Bird Brain Thoughts
Apparently, the most common bird is the sparrow, whose life-span is 23 years. Jesus spoke of how God takes care of the lowly sparrow, and how He will take care of you and I because we are of more worth than them. But have you ever wondered why we don’t see aging sparrows? Every one I see seems to be young, happy and healthy. They are not slow-moving, arthritic and elderly. Or is there a convalescent tree somewhere, for elderly sparrows who are waiting to die? And, if there are as many as 400 billion birds (as the experts tell us), and each dies after 20 or so years, why don’t we see dead birds everywhere? While I am on the subject of birds, why don’t they interbreed? Dogs can be interbred. So can cats and horses, but we don’t see that happen in birds. I have yet to hear of an owl mating with an eagle (an eagowl) or a parrot and a sparrow (a sparrot).
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/24/2007 08:18:00 PM
The Perfect Crime
Hollywood is fascinated when someone gets away with murder. They call it the “perfect” crime. But perfect murders are far from few and far between. Between 1951 and 2007 there were 851,063 murders in the United States[1]. During that time there were 296,000 “perfect” crimes[2]. That’s how many unsolved homicides there were during that time. Bringing that figure up in preaching and witnessing is a powerful way to reason with the unsaved about the reality of Hell. If a judge is good, he must strive to see that justice is done--that murderers are punished. Any judge who turns a blind eye to murder is extremely corrupt, and should be charged with a crime himself. Most people will acknowledge that God is good, and if He is good He must bring every one of those murderers to justice. If He doesn’t, He is corrupt by nature. However, God is so good He will “bring every work to justice, including every secret thing.” He also punish rapists, thieves, liars, adulterers, blasphemers, and fornicators. He will even judge down to the thoughts and intents of the human heart. He considers lust to be adultery, and hatred, murder . . . and the prison to which He will send them forever is called “Hell.”
[1] www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/tables/totalstab.htm
[2] www.unknownnews.net/030908csi.html
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/24/2007 08:09:00 PM
The Chase
I am still being regularly chased by a livid Chihuahua. The other morning when I heard him running down his driveway I steered my bike across the street. When he chased me, I stopped and said a sweet, “Hi ya fellow” (his owner was watching). He backed up, and when I took off he again chased me down the street (the dog that is). On my way home that evening he came out of his driveway like a flaming cannon ball. I couldn’t figure how he could growl and run so fast at the same time. He was so intent on getting me I thought he had misjudged his speed and was going to end up in the spokes of my front wheel. The image of a Chihuahua in a blender made me scream out loud. This is getting weird.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/24/2007 08:07:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My Dumb Thoughts
For years I have wondered why we throw away banana peels. Their only purpose was to be slipped on, in some slap-stick comedy. But I have always noticed that we eat apple skin, orange peels, peach and apricot skins . My thought was, surely God has a reason for such a thick wrapper on the banana. I would often say that it may contain something medically wonderful. I felt vindicated recently when some kind person sent me this news item: “Researchers have discovered that banana peel extract can ease depression and protect the retina, a Chinese-language newspaper said yesterday. Researchers from Chung Shan Medical University in Taichung, after two years of research, have discovered that banana peel is rich in serotonin, which is vital to balancing moods, the Apple Daily reported. The research team said it believes consuming banana peel by boiling the peel and drinking the water or by putting it through a fruit juicer and drinking the juice can help ease depression. It suggested drinking banana peel water or juice every evening or several times a week.” Maybe the Chinese could produce a toy that has been soaked in banana extract, that depressed and near-sighted kids could chew on.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/21/2007 03:09:00 PM
Don’t Tell Anyone this . . .
Never tell me a secret. I’m serious. I can’t stand knowing something, especially when it’s good news. When our kids were little, much to the dismay of Sue I would get up early on Christmas morning and stomp up and down the hallway until they woke up. I couldn’t wait to give them their gifts. By the way; if you haven’t heard of a teaching called “Hell’s Best Kept Secret,” I have something exciting I want to tell you . . . (www.livingwaters.com/learn/hellsbestkeptsecret.htm )
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/21/2007 03:05:00 PM
Crazy World
By mid-November 2007, nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers had tragically died in the Iraq war. That’s 4,000 precious human beings--somebody’s loving brother or sister, or beloved son or daughter. Gone. Forever. On the same date CBS reported that 200,000 people die each year in the U.S. because of medical mistakes. Then the newsreader casually moved on to another item. What--200,000 people! That's 200,000 human beings--someone’s loving brother or sister or beloved son or daughter, mother or father. Gone. Forever. Who needs enemies when you have a friendly medical profession that accidentally kills the equivalent of three full super bowl stadiums each year.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/21/2007 03:00:00 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Blurb from a new book coming out next month called, How to Know God Exists.
* www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/POWER.ART.HTM
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/19/2007 01:57:00 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Deaths in America
Every year around 90,000 people die in hospitals--from medical mistakes. That is one American dies in a hospital from a medical error or a lethal infection every six minutes. Medical blunders are the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. A horrifying 43,443 died in car accidents in one year--one American is killed by a traffic accident every 12 minutes. That may make you want to stay home. Think again. One American is killed in an accident at home every 29 minutes--that's an annual total of over 18,000 deaths. One American is accidentally poisoned to death every 27 minutes (19,457). Falls killed 17,227 people back in 2004--that is, one every 31 minutes. One American is killed by a drunk driver every 31 minutes (16,885). Murders are down since the 1990's (unless Hollywood has succeeded in teaching more people how to disguise murder). One American is murdered every 32 minutes. According to the FBI 17,034 people were murdered in 2006.
National Safety Council, for 2006
National Vital Statistics Report, for 2006
Home Safety Council, for 2004
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, for 2005
Department of Justice, for 2004
One more to cheer you up: Every 30 seconds, a woman somewhere in the world gives birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/17/2007 10:20:00 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Send to a Friend
Are you concerned about global warming? You should be . . . if you are not a Christian. Tragically, this world is all you have, and it’s being ruined by the minute. It's struck an iceberg and it's slowly sinking. But the Christian has a new world coming. That's his hope. While he obviously should respect this fallen creation, he eagerly awaits the day when God restores it; when He takes His curse off, puts His blessing on, and gives it to the meek. No smog, no hole in the ozone, no droughts, no earthquakes, no wars, no evil, no pain, suffering or death. Another question. Are you concerned about dying? You should be . . . if you are not a Christian. Tragically, this life is all you have, and it's running out by the minute. But the Christian isn’t concerned about death, because God has already given him everlasting life. If you find that hard to believe, simply obey the gospel and you too will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. See www.needGod.com
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/16/2007 03:28:00 PM
A Personal Note
I am glad we opened this blog for comments. I enjoy reading them (I’m bracing for the bad ones). On another note, I am consoled to know that Jesus was said to have an oil of joy above His fellows, and yet He was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. I’m sure you sometimes feel you could burst with joy when you think both of the greatness of God and what He did for us on the cross. We have great joy. But at the same time we are acquainted with grief. There is so much pain. So we are at present putting together a video (for YouTube) that addresses this subject--why the increase of grief--particularly in America in the area of disease and suffering. It’s called “The Divine Butler.” Please pray that God gives us wisdom. Also pray for our regular Saturday open air at Huntington Beach. Thanks for being part of this ministry.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/16/2007 03:24:00 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Self Esteem
I have an encouraging wife. She was made for Comfort. It was November of 2007, and the following month I was going to turn 58. As I was about to get into bed I looked into the mirror at my shirt-less physique, and consoled myself with the words, “Could be worse.” Sue quietly mumbled, “Not much . . . ” The way she said those words reminded me of the time I was running towards the back door of our house and hit my arm on the corner of a wall. I often do that sort of thing (if I pick up a hammer, Sue gets a band aide). As I lay on the ground and writhed in pain for a few minutes, I could hear my youngest son (then in his late teens) working in the garage. Just because hurting myself is an almost daily occurrence, it was no reason for him to take no notice, so I said, “Daniel. How come you didn’t come out to see if I was okay? For all you know I could have hit my head and gone insane.” He quietly mumbled, “How would we have known?”
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/15/2007 03:13:00 PM
Which Came First?
So which came first, the chicken or the egg? In our case it was the chicken, and the first egg came some time later. However, it’s not so simple among the Genesis-less generation[1]. Did the first chicken come from the first egg, or was it the chicken that first laid the first egg? Long ago, even Aristotle (384-322 BC) spoke of the egg dilemma. He philosophized: "For there could not have been a first egg to give a beginning to birds, or there should have been a first bird which gave a beginning to eggs; for a bird comes from an egg."
Let’s get into a little philosophical talk ourselves. Let’s say evolution was responsible for the beginning, and let’s say the egg was the first to evolve (before the chicken). Why did it do that? Why would there be nothing, and over millions of years, nothing became simple organisms, then these organisms became an egg? I can understand that a fish evolved legs and lungs over millions of years--because he (and his necessary female help mate) wanted to breathe, and to walk on dry land. But why would a thoughtless egg appear first and then want to become a chicken? How and why did it evolve with a yolk, a white, and a shell shaped like . . . like and egg? If the egg was shaped with a rounded point at each end for ease-of-laying (a square egg would be painful), how did evolution know to make it that shape if there were never any chickens in the first place to know that an egg is made to be laid?
Another small dilemma. How did the first egg get fertilized to become the first chicken? What or who fertilized it, and why did he fertilize it and sit on it until it hatched? How did the fertilizing creature evolve and have the ability to fertilize an egg that he found. How did he get the seed into the egg to fertilize it? And why did the (rooster) evolve as a bird? Unless he was an egg first, and if so, we have the above questions to deal with, because his egg would also need to be fertilized. Who did the fertilizing?
Actually, we don’t need to think at all. Evolutionists have it all worked out: "Chickens evolved from non-chickens through small changes caused by the mixing of male and female DNA or by mutations to the DNA that produced the zygote. These changes and mutations only have an effect at the point where a new zygote is created. That is, two non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutation(s) that produced the first true chicken. That one zygote cell divided to produce the first true chicken. Prior to that first true chicken zygote, there were only non-chickens. The zygote cell is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal, and the zygote cell is housed in the chicken's egg. So, the egg must have come first." (www.howstuffworks.com/question85.htm)
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/15/2007 02:05:00 PM
Good News
Thanks to Anita (here at the ministry), all posts from now on will have comments enabled. That means you can have your say. I would love to hear from you.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/15/2007 10:53:00 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Next to Godliness
I was riding my bike to work and saw a puddle in front of me. My clothes were clean, and not wanting to get spots of water all over them, I rode onto the grass beside the puddle. A friend at work kindly scrapped all the mud off my back.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/13/2007 02:02:00 PM
Wesley on the Law
In commenting on Acts 13:26, John Wesley said, “The very first sermon of St Paul’s which is recorded concludes with these words: ‘By him all that believe are justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the Law of Moses. Beware, therefore, lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the Prophets; Behold, you despisers, and wonder, and perish: For I work a work in your days, a work which you will in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.’ Now it is manifest, all this is preaching the Law, in the sense wherein you understand the term. Even although great part of it, if not all, his hearers were either Jews or religious proselytes, and therefore probably many of them, in some degree at least, convicted of sin already. He first reminds them that they could not be justified by the Law of Moses, but only by faith in Christ; and then severely threatens them with the judgments of God, which is in the strongest sense, preaching the Law.”
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/13/2007 02:01:00 PM
Road Rage
Recently a dentist in New York found a car blocking his way into a parking lot. He became very angry and assaulted the driver, then a CBS cameraman, and then he assaulted the driver’s sister. CBS interviewed a psychologist about the incident, and it turned out that the man had “an Impulse Control Disorder”--ICD. How about “a Severe Internal Nastiness”--SIN.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/13/2007 01:59:00 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Escape Artist
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/12/2007 01:39:00 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
How to Make an Eye
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/11/2007 03:09:00 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Mafia Standards
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/10/2007 11:46:00 AM
Shaken Bacon
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/10/2007 11:42:00 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Yipping Chihuahuas and a 90 Mile-an-Hour Cereal Box


Earlier that week, I phoned my editor to wish her happy birthday. I knew it was coming up so I kept a note all week by my phone that said “Sunday. Birthday--Lynn.” I even programmed my phone to sound an alarm. A birthday call out of the blue can be so meaningful. The Sunday came. I didn’t lose the note. The alarm went off as planned. I felt proud of myself, and as I called I was thinking, “This will be a surprise.” When she answered I blurted out a sincere and enthusiastic, “Happy birthday Lynn!” Her birthday was the previous Sunday.
So if you too are a continual klutz, take comfort that you are not alone. There's a whole book coming to console you.
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/09/2007 07:50:00 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Police Shootout
The police had their guns drawn and aimed at both Kirk and me as we lay in the dirt. I could hardly believe what was happening. Just seconds earlier we had been standing on a sidewalk, when two police cars sped towards us with their sirens blaring. We ran down the sidewalk, threw a bag of money into the trunk of our car, and like two terrified gazelles, ran into an open park. That’s when we heard instructions to hit the dirt and toss our guns.
As I lay on my face, I listened to my loud breathing. The ski mask I was wearing was hindering my intake, and I was gasping for each breath. I wanted to rip the mask off but I didn’t dare move my hands.
Suddenly Kirk cried out in terrible pain. At first I thought, “Now, that’s good acting!” But I realized that he wasn’t acting. I started to turn my head to the right to see if he was okay, and heard an officer scream at me to keep looking to the left. Someone approached me and I was handcuffed. My right cuff was so tight I moaned in pain. As I was turned over I yelled as loud as Kirk did. I felt as though my shoulder was going to break.
A month earlier I had been held by Italian police for over an hour. That was real life. This was fake. But being held by the Italian police was nothing compared to this. As we sat, covered in dirt, handcuffed, and cramped in the squad car, I turned to Kirk and said, “Whose idea was this?” He said, “Yours!”
The rest of the day’s shoot hadn’t been so painful. We had spent most of it in a prison cell, filming a program called, “Caught in a Lie.” The program opens with the police chase, and shows us being handcuffed, thrust into the police car, and brought into custody. Duane Barnhart (our director/producer) told us earlier in the day that we’d been too passive in the first take, while being fingerprinted. He wanted to film it again, this time with a little resistance on our part.
At the beginning of the fingerprint process I began the resistance. I was slow to put my left hand on my head when I was told to. When the officer said to move faster, I cleverly said “Punk!” That got me a firm push against the wall with instructions to shut up and do exactly what I was told to do. I was on a roll. Somehow resistance was coming naturally.
Duane gestured to me that he wanted more. I had another brainwave. As a very large officer moved my thumb in one direction, I cleverly resisted. So, how would he handle that?
Wham! I was suddenly slammed to my knees with my face on the concrete floor. On my violent and speedy way down, my head smashed into Kirk’s knee as he sat handcuffed watching the proceedings. I felt his pain because he was still reeling from the agony of having the same 260 pound officer’s knee in his back so hard that he thought his spine was going to break.
I was on my knees, my face on the floor, my head was hurting, and my wrists were red and burning with pain. The big officer spat out, “Do you like being in this position!” Good sense told me to hold back from saying, “Hey, I’m a Christian. I’m on my knees. Of course I like this position.”
After our mug shots were taken, we were marched, still in handcuffs to a holding room, where we were put against the wall, searched, un-cuffed, and told to empty our pockets. We were then given orange uniforms. Although mine was a little loose, and the top didn’t exactly match the bottom, I felt not to mention it to the nice officer.
We were then put into an 8 x 6 cell. The heavy iron door was slammed shut, and from there we spoke about how multitudes were arrested each year, and how many tried to outwit the long arm of the law.
Kirk then tried to outwit the long arm of a lie detector. We fed his examiner some information that gave Kirk something to lose if he failed. This was because the only way the polygraph machine would work, was for him to have something that would make him sweat if he lost. I knew of something that would make Kirk sweat a lot.
There was a natural tension during the test. We watched a monitor from another room, as we waited the long 25 seconds between ten questions. When the examiner revealed the results, something amazing happened that none of us were expecting, not even the examiner. It was a day that we would never forget.
But something else happened at the conclusion of the shoot that, for me, seemed to solidify the whole experience.
As we were about to leave the station, a man was brought into custody, fingerprinted, and placed in a holding cell. It was the same one that Kirk and I waited in just before we were searched. I could see him with his head in his hands. I couldn’t help but empathize with the man as he sat alone in that room. I had been where he now was.
It reminded me of when Ben Hur escaped as a slave on a galley ship, and was picked up by another ship. As he walked passed the hold, he paused for a moment and listened to the dreadful noise of the condemned slaves as they pulled on the oars. It was a powerful moment, as he empathized with them. Yet, no doubt, he greatly appreciated the fact that he was free from those chains.
That’s how I feel as I walk through this life. Empathy makes me feel the pain of those who still sit in the shadow of death. At the same time I am filled with a joy unspeakable that I am no longer chained to the law of sin and death. I violated an eternal Law, but my fine was paid and the prison door opened by the One who said, “I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” Oh, what a Savior!
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/05/2007 10:58:00 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Hot Mail - Letter Received
My response:
Robb, Nice to here from you. Turn the other cheek is how the Christian should respond in personal grievances. He's not to take the law into his own hands. He should instead "commit himself to Him who judges righteously." God, (the one you described) will make sure justice is done. And He's the God you have to face on Judgment Day, whether you believe in Him or agree with His judgments or not. Hey, you slipped up. You gave "God" a capital--twice :). Thanks for taking the time to write. Best wishes to you and yours, Ray
Posted by
Ray Comfort
11/04/2007 03:45:00 PM